
Bone Marrow Suppression; Pumonary Toxicity

  • Use under supervision of experienced physician in the use of cancer chemotherapy

Bone Marrow suppression (notably thrombocytopenia & leukopenia)

  • May contribute to bleeding and infections.
  • Toxicity is cumulative, thus adjust dose based on nadir counts from prior doses.
  • Do not repeat doses more frequently that every 6 weeks
  • Perform weekly complete blood cell counts for at least six weeks post dose

Pulmonary Toxicity

  • Dose related.
  • Risk increases with cumulative doses > 1400 mg/m2, history of lung disease and duration of therapy. Delayed cases of pulmonary fibrosis have been reported years after administration in childhood.

Monitoring data

  • Perform weekly complete blood cell counts for at least six weeks post dose

Patient counseling

Package inserts

Additional information

Updated: January 2018