
Complex Sleep Behaviors

Complex sleep behaviors, including sleep-walking, sleep-driving, and engaging in other activities while not fully awake, may occur following the first or any subsequent use of Zolpidem Tartrate Tablets. Patients can be seriously injured or injure others during complex sleep behaviors. Such injuries may result in a fatal outcome. Other complex sleep behaviors (e.g., preparing and eating food, making phone calls, or having sex) have also been reported. Patients usually do not remember these events. Postmarketing reports have shown that complex sleep behaviors may occur with Zolpidem Tartrate Tablets alone at recommended doses, with or without the concomitant use of alcohol or other central nervous system (CNS) depressants. Discontinue Zolpidem Tartrate Tablets immediately if a patient experiences a complex sleep behavior.

Patient care

Zolpidem Tartrate Tablets is contraindicated in patients

  • who have experienced complex sleep behaviors after taking Zolpidem Tartrate Tablets 
  • with known hypersensitivity to zolpidem. Observed reactions include anaphylaxis and angioedema 

Medical guidelines

Package inserts

Keywords: Ambien; Ambien CR; Edluar
Updated: August 2024