Serious Infections Caused by Encapsulated Bacteria
Danicopan (VOYDEYA), a complement inhibitor, increases a patient’s susceptibility to serious, life-threatening, or fatal infections caused by encapsulated bacteria including Neisseria meningitidis (caused by any serogroup, including non-groupable strains), Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Haemophilus influenzae type B. Life-threatening and fatal infections with encapsulated bacteria have occurred in both vaccinated and unvaccinated patients treated with complement inhibitors. The initiation of danicopan (VOYDEYA) treatment is contraindicated in patients with unresolved serious infections caused by encapsulated bacteria.
Complete or update vaccination against encapsulated bacteria, specifically Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus pneumoniae at least 2 weeks prior to administration of the first dose of danicopan (VOYDEYA), according to the current ACIP recommendations for patients receiving a complement inhibitor. Revaccinate patients in accordance with ACIP recommendations considering the duration of therapy with danicopan (VOYDEYA). Note that ACIP recommends an administration schedule in patients receiving complement inhibitors that differs from the administration schedule in the vaccine prescribing information. If urgent danicopan (VOYDEYA) therapy is indicated in a patient who is not up to date with vaccines against encapsulated bacteria according to ACIP recommendations, provide the patient with antibacterial drug prophylaxis and administer these vaccines as soon as possible. Various durations and regimens of antibacterial drug prophylaxis have been considered, but the optimal durations and drug regimens for prophylaxis and their efficacy have not been studied in unvaccinated or vaccinated patients receiving complement inhibitors, including danicopan (VOYDEYA). The benefits and risks of treatment with danicopan (VOYDEYA), as well as the benefits and risks of antibacterial drug prophylaxis in unvaccinated or vaccinated patients, must be considered against the known risks for serious infections caused by encapsulated bacteria.
Vaccination does not eliminate the risk of serious encapsulated bacterial infections, despite development of antibodies following vaccination. Closely monitor patients for early signs and symptoms of serious infection and evaluate patients immediately if an infection is suspected. Inform patients of these signs and symptoms and instruct patients to seek immediate medical care if these signs and symptoms occur. Promptly treat known infections. Serious infection may become rapidly life-threatening or fatal if not recognized and treated early. Consider interruption of danicopan (VOYDEYA) in patients who are undergoing treatment for serious infections.
Monitoring data
Monitoring of PNH Manifestations After danicopan Discontinuation:
After discontinuing treatment with danicopan (VOYDEYA), closely monitor patients for at least 2 weeks after the last dose for signs and symptoms of hemolysis. If discontinuation of danicopan (VOYDEYA) is necessary, continue background treatment with ravulizumab or eculizumab or consider alternative therapy if necessary. The signs and symptoms of hemolysis may include a sudden decrease in hemoglobin or fatigue.
f hemolysis occurs after discontinuation of danicopan (VOYDEYA), consider restarting treatment with danicopan (VOYDEYA) if appropriate.